Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs - Treatment of Infertility
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for the Treatment of infertility
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been treating infertility for many, many years and has been successful in doing so. Evidence of Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM), treating infertility dates back to 11AD.
Fertility is achieved by manipulating the flow of qi using acupuncture and using Chinese herbs to nourish, support and strengthen the qi and the vital fluids (including blood), as well as the internal organs.(Randine Lewis, LAc. Author of The Infertility Cure.)
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has been proven to regulated the menstrual cycle, treat PMS, endometriosis, treat pelvic inflammatory disease, unblock fallopian tubes, increase fertility, treat certain causes of miscarriage, and raise sperm numbers, quality and motility.
Our modern lifes have afforded us a large amount of stress causing all kinds of imbalances in the body leading to different health problems and malfunctions.
“Functional related infertility is very often related to stress. This may be the reason that infertility seems to be extremely common in women who work in stressful office environments. Acupuncture is very beneficial for decreasing excess tension in the body by balancing the autonomic nervous system. Possible hormonal imbalances and circulatory problems are also addressed by acupuncture.” (Dr. Tim Tanaka, Pacific Wellness Institute, Toronto)
In this day and age, both women and men have often depleted their Kidney energy and due to stress have stagnated the energy of the liver, making it hard to conceive.
With TCM and the use of acupuncture and Chinese herbs, there are no side effects and the treatments not only enhance fertility, but also leave the person feeling more energetic. There are also things that the people trying to conceive can do along with having acupuncture treatments, such as:
Eating a healthy diet
Exercising in moderation
Learning about the best time to conceive
Limiting caffeine and alcohol intake
Making lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation
In TCM, infertility isn’t seen as a localized problem, but one that can encompass the whole body and has to do with the flow and amount of energy (qi) that is in the body.
Conditions such as infertility are fundamentally seen as blockages or imbalances in the body's "qi" (pronounced chee), a vital force or energy that flows throughout the body along channels called meridians.
Even if TCM isn’t used alone in enhancing fertility, it has increased the chances of pregnancy when combined with IVF or other western medicine treatments.
In conclusion, TCM has worked in a broad range of cases and in the case of different ages as well to provide a fertile and welcoming environment for the chance of conception. Working to increase the blood flow to the uterus, increase the body’s natural endorphine levels and stimulate the natural and adequate flow of qi throughout the body. Fertility is a natural process that our bodies are able to fulfill and therefore we need healthy balanced bodies to insure that we are able to bring forth creation in the way that it was indented to bloom.
Come see us for treatment at Acupuncture and Holistic Care. Check out our website:
For more reading:
Lewis, Randine. The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies. 2004
Ni, Daoshing and Herko, Dana. The Tao of Fertility. New York City. Harper Collins Publishers, 2008.
Wu, Angela C with Antilla, Katherine and Brown, Betsy. Fertility Wisdom: How Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Help Overcome Fertility. Rodale Inc, 2006.
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